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It can be hard to know how to troubleshoot and and care for your slime over time. That's why, here at our Slime Store we've put together a detailed slime care guide to help put your mind at ease and answer any questions you might have regarding purchasing slimes online.

Slime Care Guide

an image of a white round hollow plant vase with sprigs of corn in on a cream background
An image of a neon pot of coloured slime

How To Store


To avoid drying out, store slime in an air-tight container (such as the jar it came in). Be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight as this will melt it down faster.

an I'm age of a round hollow white vase with sprigs of corn in on a cream background
an image of a neon pot of slime cascading from a pot

How To Fix


Slime naturally melts down when left untouched for a few days, and will occasionally need a touch up of activator to fix it. To do this, add in a drop or two of
the included activator and knead it into the slime. Be
careful not to add too much at a time. If you over-activate
your slime, you can use lotion to soften it again.

How To Play


Wash your hands before playing with slime to remove any
excess oils. Remove slime from the jar and place onto a
clean surface. Be sure to wash your hands after playing.

an image of a round hollow cream vase with sprigs of corn in it on a cream background
an image of neon slime being played with
SlimeeBubblz Logo SBLZ In Black With a Hand On A Turquiose Background
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